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Computational Fluid Dynamics:

To better understand  CFD one needs to integrate Fluid dynamics, Mathematical methods(Linear Algebra, ODE, PDE), Numerical Methods, Numerical Programming(C++,FORTRAN). Most of the Aerospace courses are designed to individually teach these courses and fail to connect them.

If you are confident in these courses go ahead to learn Parallel computing.



Many good things are free in life:

1) CFD ebook/videos by Prof Ramakrishna, IIT Madras. Work through Assignments which are   mostly                   programming  questions. By the end if the book You would be comfortable to write One- Dimensional                Euler equation with different flux vector schemes, Limiters, Multigrid methods, Dual time stepping. 



NPTEL videos of CFD: 

2) CFD ebook by Dr. Hiroaki Nishikawa, NIA, Hampton. His book is like extended version of earlier book. Not       only his book but his  website has the CFD codes for educational purposes. Go through those codes and         write your own codes.


                                     Note:See the bibliography included in this books which contains lot of classical books

Apart from these, some introductory/Advanced books are Numerical Computation of Internal and External Flows by Hirsch, CFD vol1,2,3 by Hoffman, CFD by Anderson.


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