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Computers and Programming has touched all the disciplines ranging from science to economics. A good aerospace engineer must and should take the advantages of computer to solve problems like understanding complex flow phenomenon, developing Optimized designs etc.

         I would recommend the following material for Scientific/Numerical Computing. First learn FORTRAN or C++(Object oriented style). Once your are reasonably confident about writing programs, you can learn Python. 

Always test your program in python and use its powerful visualization  tools to get your code functionally correct and then write the code in FORTRAN/C++ for performance.

Videos of Programming Lectures:
     1) FORTRAN 90: 
    2)   Python:
                       (Advantages apart from Python are Introduction to Git version control,            GitHub,Jupyter Notebook, Unix/Linux Commands etc.,)
    3)  Numerical Programming in C:
    4)  Numerical Programming in MATLAB:
    5)  Intro to C++:
Books related Programming and Scientific Computing:
    1)  C Programming:  C Programming by Brian W. Kernighan & Dennis M. Ritchie. 
         Numerical Methods with C:   Numerical Analysis for Scientists and Engineers: Theory and                                                             C Programs Madhumangal Pal.  
        Classical Book(recommended) : Numerical Recipes in C: The Art of Scientific Computing
                                                                by William H. Press
    2)  C++ Programming: Programming: Principles and Practice Using C++Book by Bjarne                                                       Stroustrup.
        Classical Book(recommended) : Numerical Recipes in C++: The Art of Scientific                                                                                    Computing by William H. Press  
     3) FORTRAN Programming: Fortran 90/95 4 Science and Engineering by Chapman                  
          Classical Book(recommended) : Numerical Recipes in FORTRAN 77: The Art of Scientific                                                                     Computing by William H. Press.
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